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The Knock Detective is an audio knock detection device stuffed into a 52mm gauge. After bolting the included knock sensor(s) to your engine and connecting the Knock Detective, you can plug in headphones and listen for knock events while tuning. The device also features a bright LED display with configurable sensitivity to help visually monitor knock levels. The user can then connect the 0-5V output to an analog input on their ECU and use it to datalog the knock levels.

FWLRtuning MV Vented Installed_edited_ed


The FWLRtuning MV (Miata Vent) gauge holder is a clean and simple way to mount any 52mm gauge in your NA or NB Miata while maintaining airflow. 3D printed in ASA, they install with a satisfying click using the same mechanism as the factory vents. Just pop your vents out and replace them with the MV. Available with inner threads that accept the Knock Detective, or with a friction fit that allows mounting of standard 52mm gauges.

FWLRtuning MV Vented Installed_edited_ed


So your buddy has a 3D printer eh? Grab the free files for the MV Gauge Holder and print yourself one. I wouldn't recommend printing in PLA, but I mean... if it deforms with heat you could just print another one.

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